Sarah katherine is a visual artist & recent graduate from Herron school of art + Design - currently based in Indianapolis, Indiana.

These days, my work is an assortment of visceral compositions unified by self-exploration & vulnerability. My marks are silent, sincere, daring, energetic, & confident — sometimes even contradicting. 

As a maker, the medium(s) I choose in a given moment, offer specific feelings dependent on the application process. Different mediums engage in me, different emotions & with that, I try to speak what I cannot, with color and movement across the surface. I gravitate toward acrylic, inks, &  pencils yet, I cannot help but to further explore the tactile senses by pinching clay into forms, slow collaging, bookbinding or full-body movements with charcoal.  

These pieces I create, explore a process unhindered by the toughest judgment of our inner critic, as I exercise each time to work with positive intention & child-like enthusiasm. My goal is to push into realms of my undiscovered voice, cultivating possibilities I can not yet imagine. I hope anyone who takes a few seconds to notice, may find a small appreciation for an expression without words - - to have a moment to listen to marks detached from [the] objects telling us what to see. 



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